
前沿性 国际化 重基础 高水平 研究与应用并重


Chen Zhu

Title:Assistant Professor

Office Phone:0755-26539469

Email Address:gczhu@szu.edu.cn

Social Work:Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychiatry

Research Field:Psychopathology and psychotherapy for psychosis and related abnormalities.

I received my PhD in psychology under the supervision of Professor Suzanne So at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. My research centres around psychopathology of and psychotherapy for psychosis and related abnormalities, including but not limited to differential influences of cognitive, emotional, behavioural and interpersonal factors on the development of paranoia and delusions from a continuum perspective, the effectiveness of evidence- and process-based psychological interventions, and phenomenologically informed understanding of psychotic experiences. I am a certified advanced psychotherapist according to the National Health Professionals’ Credentials System and a qualified clinical and counselling psychologist (pending certification) according to the Clinical and Counseling Psychology Registration System of the Chinese Psychological Society.

Education and Occupation

2009.09–2013.12 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) in Psychology, CUHK, Hong Kong. Minor in Philosophy.

2014.08–2016.07 Master of Philosophy in Psychology, CUHK, Hong Kong

2016.08–2019.09 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, CUHK, Hong Kong

2019.10–2021.08 Postdoctoral Fellow, Clinical Psychology Lab, CUHK, Hong Kong

2021.09–2022.05 Intern Psychotherapist, Department of Clinical Psychology, Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing

2022.07–Present Assistant Professor, School of Psychology, Shenzhen University


2024, Excellent Mentor Award, 3rd Provincial Undergraduate Psychological Counseling Skills Competition

2021, The Early Career Award, Schizophrenia International Research Society

2020, Research Fellowship Scheme, CUHK

Grants and Projects

Investigation of the mechanisms underlying interpersonal interactions: A mixed-method approach (ongoing, Young Teacher Scientific Research Sponsorship, P.I.)

Early identification of and psychological intervention for people with a high risk for schizophrenia (finished, Extracurricular Educational Project, P.I.)

Digital intervention on improving the physical and mental health of bereaved people (ongoing, General Project of Shenzhen Basic Science Funding, Co.I.)

Dynamic Relationships Between Delusions and Cognitive Control - a Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Investigation (finished, General Research Fund (No.14600319) in Hong Kong, Co.I.)

Selected Publications

So, S. H., Zhu, C., Chau, A. K. C., Sun, X., Chiu, C.-D., Chan, R. C. K.,& Leung, P. W. L. (2023). 18-month trajectories of delusional dimensions in young adults: Relationship with reasoning biases and worry. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132(2), 209–221.

Ellett, L., Schlier, B., Kingston, J. L., Zhu, C., So, S. H., Lincoln, T. M., Morris, E. M. J., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2023). Pandemic paranoia in the general population: international prevalence and sociodemographic profile. Psychological medicine, 53(12), 5748–5755.

Chau, A. K. C., So, S. H., Sun, X., Zhu, C., Chiu, C. D., Chan, R. C., & Leung, P. W. L. (2022). A network analysis on the relationship between loneliness and schizotypy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 311,148-156.

So, S. H., Zhu, C., Lincoln, T. M., Gaudiano, B. A., Kingston, J. L., Ellett, L., & Morris, E. M. (2022). Pandemic paranoia, general paranoia, and their relationships with worry and beliefs about self/others–A multi-site latent class analysis. Schizophrenia Research, 241, 122-129.

Zhu, C., Kwok, N.T., Chan, T.C., Chan, G.H., & So, S.H. (2021). Inflexibility in reasoning: comparisons of cognitive flexibility, explanatory flexibility, and belief flexibility between schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 609569.

So, S.H., Chan, G.H., Wong, C.K., Ching, E.W., Lee, S.S., Wong, B.C., Zhu, C., Sun, X., Chung, L.K., Hung, A.Y., Wong, J.O., & Chan, S.S. (2021). A randomised controlled trial of metacognitive training for delusions, depression, and belief flexibility. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, 388-397.

Chau, A.K.C., Zhu, C., & So, S.H. (2019). Loneliness and the psychosis continuum: A meta-analysis on positive psychotic experiences and a meta-analysis on negative psychotic experiences. International Review of Psychiatry, 31(5-6), 471-490.

Zhu, C., Sun, X., & So, S.H. (2018). Associations between belief inflexibility and dimensions of delusions: A meta-analytic review of two approaches to assessing belief flexibility. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(1), 59-81.

Sun, X., Zhu, C., & So, S.H. (2017). Dysfunctional metacognition across psychopathologies: A meta-analytic review. European Psychiatry, 45, 139-153.

Zhu, C., & So, S. H. (2017). Belief inflexibility and dimensions of delusional beliefs in non-affective psychosis: Comparison with non-clinical meaningful beliefs. European Psychiatry, 41(S1), s846-s846.

Selected Conference Proceedings & Posters

Zhu, C. (2024). The effect of depression, anxiety and self-other schema on the paranoid state in university students, 8th National Congress of Emotion and Health Psychology.

Zhu, C., & So, S. H. (2023). Sense of Aberrant Salience and Delusionality in Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations: A Systematic Review. 2023 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS 2023).

Zhu, C., & So, S. H. (2021). Differentiating Over-Mentalising in Patients with Delusions. 2021 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS 2021).

Zhu, C., & So, S. H. (2019). Over-Mentalisation and Delusions in Patients with Psychosis: A Meta-Analytic Review. 19th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (WPA 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.

Zhu, C., & So, S. H. (2017). Belief inflexibility and dimensions of delusional beliefs in non-affective psychosis: Comparison with non-clinical meaningful beliefs. European Psychiatry, 41(S1), s846-s846.


Undergraduate: Clinical Psychology; Early identification of and psychological intervention for people with a high risk for schizophrenia; Typical Psychotic Experiences: From A Perspective of Embodied Cognition

Postgraduate: Academic Presentation; Behavioural Problems and Class Management in Primary and Secondary Schools

Professional Societies

Member, Schizophrenia International Research Society

Graduate Member, Divisions of Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychology, British Psychological Society

Member, Chinese Psychological Society

Member, China Association for Mental Health

Member, Division of Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy, Provincial Association for Mental Health, Guangdong

I am open to accepting master’s students and undergraduate research assistants who are diligent, proactive, responsible and team-oriented.

Those who are interested could send me their CV via email.