Students Life

Notices | Important Event This Week

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Notices | Important Events This Week



November 9, 2020


Double 11 is around the corner.

Don’t forget to save money for a rainy day when doing online shopping.


Let’s take a look at what’s important this week.


 The simple version



Ⅰ. Notice for Students Who Missed the Photo Collection of CET-4 and CET-6

Time for the re-shooting: 17:30 - 20:30 on Thursday, November 12

Place for the re-shooting: Room 235, Huiyuan Building, Yuehai Campus

Please bring your ID card and campus card to take photos on time.

Candidates who do not take photos will not be eligible for CET-4 and CET-6.


Ⅱ. Notice on the Reapplication for the Written Test of College English Test Band 6 (CET-6)

1. Qualifications for the reapplication

Candidates for this renewed application should meet the following requirements:

University students who have taken the deferred examination in September, 2020 and the CET-4 written test score is equal to or higher than 425.

1500 quotas are reserved for registration. Please notify that the quota is limited and done on a first-come-first-served basis, until quota lasts.

2. Time for the reapplication: From 9:00 on November 9, 2020 to 17:00 on November 11

3. Website for the reapplication:

Service phone number: 010-62987880

Consultation hours are 8:30 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00 daily.


Ⅲ. Notice on the Fire Drill to be Held next Monday

Drilling Time: 10:00 - 12:00 on November 9

Drilling Venue: Qiuse and Dongzhu student dormitories and surrounding areas of Canghai campus

Drilling crew: Fire Section of the Department of Safety and Security, School Guard Brigade, AVIC Property, personnel from the small-size fire station of Yuehai Street, and students in the Qiuse and Dongzhu dormitories of Canghai campus



Ⅳ. Notice on the Online Evaluation of Satisfaction

Evaluation time:

From 9:00 on November 2, 2020 to 17:00 on November 15, 2020

Evaluation targets:

Departments of management and teaching auxiliary and relevant service units in the school

Evaluation contents:

Evaluate the overall work and service performance of the units concerned. There are five evaluation grades, including very satisfied, satisfied, basically satisfied, dissatisfied, and do not know about.

Evaluation method:

The online evaluation will be conducted by secret ballot. School teachers and students (including retired faculty and adult students), school-enterprise personnel, and alumni will vote after logging in to complete the unified identity authentication.

Website for the evaluation: (scroll down to the bottom and click to gain access to the evaluation).



Ⅴ. Notice on Registration for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test

Registration time: 10:00 on Monday, November 9, 2020

1. Pre-registration

Link address:

- After opening the web page, click on the “I want to sign up” option (an error message saying “Sorry, there are currently no test tasks available for registration” will occur at that time);

- Then select the third option from the bottom above “University”;

- Choose “Shenzhen University Putonghua Test Station”;

- Click “Sign up”, and if this is your first time using, please select the “Register” option.



(1) Candidates’ student ID number and information about the current college and class must be filled in. Candidates who do not fill in their student ID number will be considered as social candidates and their pre-registration information will be deleted. The faculty and staff need to fill in the job number in the “Student ID Number” column and fill in their information about the current college or department in the “College/Department” column;

(2) Candidates choose either “Non Pre-service Teachers” or “Pre-service Teachers”, and faculty and staff shall fill in according to the actual situation;

(3) Please fill in the mobile phone number;

(4) Please fill in “Shenzhen University” in the “Current Unit” column;


(5) Please upload a one-inch ID photo (with unlimited background color) as a photo of the admission ticket according to the requirements and the certificate photo shall be collected on the test day;


(6) Please fill in the correct year and month of enrollment, and faculty and staff do not need to fill in.


2. Payment

(1) Payment time:

Monday (November 23 and November 30): 8:30 - 11:30, 14:00 - 17:00

Friday (November 27): 8:30-11:30, 14:00-17:00

Please pay the fee within the specified time. Payment on behalf of others is accepted. The application information of candidates who fail to pay the fee will be deleted and candidates will not be able to take the exam.

 (2) Place: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University

(3) Payment method: Candidates are required to bring their student ID card or campus card to the Putonghua Test Center within the specified time after the successful online pre-registration and pay the fee by swiping their card or using the Alipay. If it is a unified registration by class, then students need to fill in their personal information on the Internet. The person in charge should collect the fees and pay uniformly;

(4) Payment standard: the testing fee for students and faculty and staff is 25 yuan and 50 yuan respectively.


3. Receive the admission ticket


(1) Pick up on site

Candidates will receive the admission ticket at the Putonghua Test Center after paying the fee. The admission ticket contains contents like instructions for candidates, certificate number, admission ticket number, test time, test place, etc. and candidates are required to read carefully and follow the instructions. On the day of the examination, candidates need to bring their ID card, student ID card (or campus card), and admission ticket (all are needed) before they can take the test.

 (2) Online printing

If you lost your admission ticket, you can print it online by yourself. The steps are as follows.

Log in to the website and select the "Print Admission Ticket" option at the top > enter your name and ID number > click the "Print Admission Ticket" button.

Candidates are qualified for the examination after completing the three steps of registration, payment, and receipt of the admission ticket.


3. Pre-test training


Time: 9: 00 - 10: 30 on November 14 and December 5 (Candidates only need to attend one of them according to their own time)

Place: Room 204, Teaching Building A, Faculty of Education


4. Contact

Tel: 26557367

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University

Office site: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University


 The original text

Ⅰ. Notice on the Re-shooting of Photos of the Class of 2020 Undergraduate Freshmen for CET-4 and CET-6


After the first two days of collecting photos for the application of CET-4 and CET-6, most of the class of 2020 undergraduate freshmen have already taken photos, but there are still some students who failed to come to take photos on time due to various reasons. The Examination Affairs Office is about to conduct the final re-shooting for the class of 2020 undergraduate freshmen who have not yet taken photos, and no more re-shooting will be arranged thereafter. The re-shooting time and place is from 17:30 to 20:30, Thursday, November 12 at Room 235, Huiyuan Building, Yuehai campus.

Please notify that since the second half of 2018, the CET-4 and CET-6 (including the spoken English test) will adopt the national unified online registration system, which requires candidates to use photos that meet the application standards. The photos collected this time will be used in every student’s application of CET-4 and CET-6 and transcript during his or her undergraduate study. Candidates who have not taken the photo will not be eligible for CET-4 and CET-6. Please take the photo collection seriously and take photos on time. For students who are unable to apply for CET-4 and CET-6 due to the failure of photo collection, the consequences shall be borne by themselves.


Students who have not yet taken photos please bring ID card and campus card to take the photo on time.

 Ⅱ. Notice on the Reapplication for the College English Test Band 6 (CET-6) Written Test in the Second Half of 2020

All relevant teaching units and candidates,

Due to the pandemic, the results of the deferred College English Test Band 4 and College English Test Band 6 (CET) in September 2020 will be announced in early November. According to the Notice on Reapplication for CET-6 Written Examination in the Second Half of 2020 (Letter No. 1292020) by the Education Examinations Authority of Guangdong Province, in order to implement the registration of the written examination (hereinafter referred to as CET) and the spoken English test (hereinafter referred to as CET-SET) of the College English Test Band 6, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. Qualifications for the reapplication


Candidates for this renewed application should meet the following requirements:

University students who have taken deferred examination in September, 2020 and the CET-4 written test score is equal to or higher than 425.

1500 quotas are reserved for the reapplication of the College English Test Band 6 written test. Please notify that the quota is limited and done on a first-come-first-served basis, until quota lasts.


2. Reapplication method and time


(1) The subject of this reapplication is the College English Test Band 6 (CET-6) written test and other subjects will not be accepted;

(2) This reapplication shall adopt the national unified online registration method. The time for the reapplication is from 9: 00 on November 9, 2020 to 17: 00 on November 11, 2020. No more reapplication will be accepted thereafter;

(3) Candidates eligible for the reapplication should log in to the registration system ( on their own to complete the reapplication of CET-6 written test and pay the fee;


(4) For candidates who have registered for CET-4 in December, the following options are available:


1. Candidates may choose to retain or cancel the CET-4 that they have registered for when reapplying for CET-6. Qualification for the spoken English test (CET-SET4) will be retained or canceled along with the written test. The canceled CET-4 (including the spoken English test) that has been registered for will not be recoverable after the candidates apply for CET-6 and pay the fee.


2. After the candidates complete the reapplication and payment, the subjects that have been re-applied and canceled will be unchangeable. For candidates who need a refund, the CET-4 refund (including for the spoken English test) will be settled within two months after the examination and returned in the same manner as the payment method. The specific accounting date depends on the bank settlement date.


 The payment time for this reapplication of CET-6 is within 24 hours after registration. The CET-4 written test and spoken English test that were canceled during the reapplication will be resumed automatically if the payment has not been completed within the time limit, and vice versa. Fees for canceled subjects will be refunded in the same manner as the payment method within two months after the examination has finished.

 4. This refund is only suitable for the case where candidates who have completed the reapplication and payment of CET-6 and thus the CET-4 written and spoken English test they have registered for will be canceled and refunded. No cancellation and refund will be accepted in other circumstances.


(5) During the reapplication from November 9 to November 11, the National Education Examinations Authority will provide service for candidates, and the phone number is 010-62987880. consultation hours are 8: 30 - 12: 00 and 13: 00 - 17: 00 daily.


All colleges are requested to inform relevant students of the above matters, and at the same time, students are also asked to tell each other that once the registration is closed, no more reapplication will be accepted.  


Ⅲ. Notice on Launching the 119 Fire Drill in 2020


All school units,

In accordance with the Notice of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province on Further Strengthening Campus Fire Safety and the Shenzhen 119 Fire Safety Publicity Month Activity Plan in 2020, in order to implement our school’s fire safety work, popularize fire safety knowledge, and improve teachers’ and students’ fire safety awareness and emergency avoidance capabilities, after the approval of the school leaders, the school decides that the Department of Safety and Security should cooperate with the Party and Government Office, the Publicity Department, the Student Department, the Logistics Department, the relevant colleges and the AVIC Property and other units to launch the 119 fire drill on Monday, November 9.


1. Time and Venue


Drilling time: 10:00 - 12:00 on November 9, 2020

Drilling Venue: Qiuse and Dongzhu student dormitories and surrounding areas of Canghai campus


2. Drill contents


This drill is divided into three parts, including fire emergency evacuation, firefighting and rescue aid at site, and fire safety training.

(1) Centrally arrange fire emergency evacuation

The preset case is that at 10:00 on November 9, a fire breaks out in the aisle on the 3rd floor of the Qiuse dormitory of Canghai campus because cigarette butts ignited the garbage can and surrounding combustibles. The school launches an emergency plan and the campus fire protection emergency rescue forces quickly extinguish the fire and organize students in Quise and Dongzhu dormitories to evacuate to a safe area downstairs in a safe and orderly manner.


(2) Observe firefighting and rescue aid at site, including high-altitude slow-descending escape, rapid connection of fire hoses to extinguish fires, air-dropped fire extinguishing bombs from drones.



(3) Carry out fire safety training in groups, including the initial firefighting practice, fire evacuation escape house, fire escape descent retarder, fire rescue knot, fire alarm and fire hose connection, electric shock and electrical fire, medical rescue emergency treatment, trauma hemostasis and dressing, fire safety equipment display and experience.


 3. Drilling crew

Drill personnel: Fire Section of the Department of Safety and Security, School Guard Brigade, AVIC Property, personnel from the small-size fire station of Yuehai Street, and students on-site in Qiuse and Dongzhu dormitories of Canghai Campus.

The Student Department is requested to notify the deputy secretary (in charge of safety work) of the college where students of Qiuse and Dongzhu dormitories are staying (hereinafter referred to as the relevant college) to observe the drill.

The relevant college is requested to inform the students of Qiuse and Dongzhu dormitories of the exercise to avoid the panic caused by unknowing, and to remind teachers and students of relevant matters that need to be paid attention to.


4. Notes


(1) Notes for students

1. After the fire alarm signal is issued, all teachers and students in the Qiuse and Dongzhu buildings shall quickly participate in the drill and take the evacuation practice seriously and evacuate from dormitories to the safe area downstairs. In the process of evacuation, teachers and students should follow the instructions of the on-site staff. No shouting and playing to avoid confusion.


2. Teachers and students involved in the drill are not suggested to carry backpacks and valuables. Girls should not wear high-heeled shoes but sport shoes. All people should bring a wet towel to prevent smoke.


3. During the emergency evacuation, students should use the wet towel to cover their mouths and noses and follow the evacuation indication signs and the guidance of the on-site conductors to adopt the correct posture of "bend down and cover mouth" and leave quickly and orderly along the evacuation stairs.


(2) Notes for drilling crew

1. The crew participating in the firefighting shall carry out the task in accordance with the operation specifications and drill procedures to ensure the safety and smoothness of the practice.

2. Evacuation conductors shall control the reasonable density of evacuation and evacuate according to the principle of proximity, prevent congestion and chaos, and guide students along the evacuation passage to the open space downstairs.


 3. After the drill, the property unit shall inspect the water, electricity, firefighting equipment, and doors and windows of the relevant buildings to prevent other accidents.


Welcome all teachers and students to Canghai campus to observe the fire drill, learn fire safety knowledge, and master the methods of safe escape, self-rescue and mutual rescue in emergency situations.


Hereby inform.


IV. Notice on the Implementation of the Online Evaluation of the Satisfaction of Management, Teaching Auxiliary Departments and Service Units by the Supervision Office in 2020


All teachers and students,

In order to promote the service units to improve working style, service quality, and management level, the school decides to carry out the online evaluation of the satisfaction of management, teaching auxiliary departments and service units in 2020. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

 1. Evaluation time:

This annual evaluation starts at 9:00 on November 2, 2020 and ends at 17:00 on November 15, 2020.


2. Evaluation object


Schoolwide management, teaching auxiliary departments and related service units.


3. Evaluation contents


Evaluate the overall work and service performance of relevant units. There are five evaluation grades, including very satisfied, satisfied, basically satisfied, dissatisfied, and do not know about. Please choose one of five.


4. Evaluation method


The evaluation will be conducted by secret ballot. School teachers and students (including retired faculty and adult students), school-enterprise personnel, and alumni will vote after logging in to complete the unified identity authentication.


5. Requirements for the evaluation event


(1) Each person has only one evaluation opportunity for each evaluation unit. Once the evaluation form is submitted, the results cannot be changed;

 (2) Evaluation towards each evaluation unit should be objective and truthful. We hope that teachers and students will participate in the evaluation in a responsible and fair manner. The school is responsible for the confidentiality of the involved personnel and contents of the evaluation;

 (3) There is a column for “Existing problems and suggestions” in the evaluation form, which is an optional entry. The contents filled in must not contain remarks that violate national laws and regulations, be degrading, or cause physical suffering;

(4) The evaluation unit must not interfere with the evaluation work. If any misconduct is found, once verified, the school will hold the relevant evaluation unit responsible for the case based on the severity of the circumstances.



6. Application of evaluation results


The evaluation results will be connected to the performance index of relevant units and announced within a certain range.

Teachers and students are welcome to participate.

[Click to enter the online evaluation]

 Ⅴ. Notice on Registration for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Third Batch in December 2020)

Due to the prevention and control of the pandemic, this station currently only receives registration from teachers and students of Shenzhen University. Registration for the exam in December 2020 is now open. 600 quotas will be released in this third batch. More details are as follows.

 1. Registration time

The pre-registration channel will be opened at 10:00 AM on Monday, November 9. After the quota is filled, the staff will review the candidates’ registration information and delete the registration records that are not filled in as required. If there is any quota left, the pre-registration channel will be opened again.

 2. Registration method

Candidates need to pre-register online. After successful pre-registration, candidates should pay the fee at the site within the specified time and obtain the admission ticket before they are eligible for the exam.


(1) Pre-registration

Link address:

After opening the web page, click on the “I want to sign up” option (neglect the pop-up error message saying “Sorry, there are currently no test tasks available for registration”), then select the third option from the bottom above “University” > “Shenzhen University Putonghua Test Station” > “Sign up”. If this is your first time using, please select the “Register” option.



(1) Candidates’ student ID number and information about the current college and class must be filled in. Candidates who do not fill in their student ID number will be considered as social candidates and their pre-registration information will be deleted. The faculty and staff need to fill in the job number in the “Student ID Number” column and fill in their information about the current college and department in the “College/Department” column;

(2) Candidates choose either “Non Pre-service Teachers” or “Pre-service Teachers”, and faculty and staff shall fill in according to the actual situation;

(3) Please fill in the mobile phone number;

(4) Please fill in “Shenzhen University” in the “Current Unit” column;

(5) Please upload a one-inch ID photo (with unlimited background color) as a photo of the admission ticket according to the requirements. The certificate photo shall be collected on the test day;

(6) Please fill in the correct year and month of enrollment, and faculty and staff do not need to fill in.


2. Payment

(1) Payment time:

Monday (November 23 and November 30): 8:30 - 11:30, 14:00 - 17:00

Friday (November 27): 8:30 - 11:30, 14:00 - 17:00

Please pay the fee within the specified time. Payment on behalf of others is accepted. The application information of candidates who fail to pay the fee will be deleted and candidates will not be able to take the exam.


(2) Place: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University


(3) Payment method: Candidates are required to bring their student ID card or campus card to the Putonghua Test Center within the specified time after the successful online pre-registration and pay the fee by swiping their card or using the Alipay. If it is a unified registration by class, then students need to fill in their personal information on the Internet. The person in charge should collect the fees and pay uniformly;

(4) Payment standard: the testing fee for students and faculty and staff is 25 yuan and 50 yuan respectively.


3. Receive the admission ticket


(1) Pick up on site

Candidates will receive the admission ticket at the Putonghua Test Center after paying the fee. The admission ticket contains content like instructions for candidates, certificate number, admission ticket number, test time, test place, etc. and candidates are required to read carefully and follow the instructions. On the day of the examination, candidates need to bring their ID card, student ID card (or campus card), and admission ticket (all are needed) before they can take the test.


(2) Online printing


If you lost your admission ticket, you can print it online by yourself. The steps are as follows.

Log in to the website and select the "Print Admission Ticket" option at the top > enter your name and ID number > click the "Print Admission Ticket" button.

Candidates are qualified for the examination after completing the three steps of registration, payment, and receipt of the admission ticket.


3. Pre-test training


Time: 9: 00 - 10: 30 on November 14 and December 5 (Candidates only need to attend one of them according to their own time)

Place: Room 204, Teaching Building A, Faculty of Education


4. Contact methods


Tel: 26557367

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University

Office site: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University


 There was a fire accident in the school last week.

Please pay attention to electricity safety.


Contact us

Address: L3-1236, Science and Technology Building, South Campus, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen

Telephone: 0755-26976348


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