Students Life

Notices | Important Event This Week

author: date:2021-09-03 visits:

Notices | Important Event This Week



November 1, 2020


Double 11 is on the air.


Don’t forget to check out notices while doing online shopping.

Now let's take a look at what’s important this week.


The standard version


Ⅰ. Notice on Suspending the Online Payment of Tuition and Incidental Fees

The payment is expected to open on November 9, 2020. Students who are in urgent need to pay tuition and incidental fees please go to Room B109 on basement level 1 of Huiyuan Building on Yuehai Campus or go to the Planning and Finance Department window in the Comprehensive Service Hall of Lihu Campus to find the teacher in charge. (Tel: 0755-26536167, Teacher Ma)



Ⅱ. Notice on the Call for Activities of Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week


The school will hold a series of activities with the theme of “‘Creation and Joy on Liyuan’ Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week” from December 12 to December 24, 2020.

The applicant unit and individual should fill in Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week Activities Declaration Form (see original text), then submit it to Room 101 of Venture Park before October 31, 2020 and send the electronic version to

Contact: Da Che

Tel: 86925879

All activities will be held during from December 12 to December 24, 2020.



Ⅲ. Announcement on the Closure of the Plaza near the Gate One of Canghai Campus


Closure is tentatively scheduled to run from October 28, 2020 to October 29, 2020 at 7 AM.



Ⅳ. Notice on Announcing the List of Candidates for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Originally Scheduled for April, May, and June)


Candidates who originally registered for the exam in April 2020 are scheduled to take the exam on from November 3 to November 5, and candidates who originally registered for the exam in May and Jun 2020 are scheduled to take the exam on November 24 and November 25. For the specific list, please refer to the annex of the original text of the notice.

Candidates should bring their ID card, student ID card, or campus card, and admission ticket (also registration form, and students who lost it should bring a one-inch or two-inch photo with unlimited background color to the test site on the day of the test to reapply on the spot). Please wear a mask and protect yourself from possible infection.

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education

Contact: 26557367



Ⅴ. Notice on the Putonghua Recitation Competition of Shenzhen University


In order to further promote the popularization of Putonghua and the standardization of language and writing, the school decides to hold the Putonghua recitation competition. Please visit the original text for more details.

Please send the competition program as a video to the mailbox of Putonghua Test Center ( The video is limited to 3 to 6 minutes, and please name the video in “Name + College + Program Name + Phone Number”. The contestant should show name, college name, and program name at the beginning of the video.

Time: from September 9 to November 6

Contact: 26557367

Place: Putonghua Test Center (Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education)


Ⅵ. The Third Session of Navigation Lecture Series: Introduction to The Wealth of Nations - The Founding Work of Market Economy Theory


Students need to sign up on the Navigation Lecture Series app (also known as “领航讲座” app) in the Intranet Service Hall from 8:00, November 2 to 13:00, November 5. Please notify that the quota is limited and done on a first-come-first-served basis, until quota lasts. Please refer to the attached Navigation Lecture Series System Operation Guide for operation guidance. Only class of 2020 students are allowed to sign up.



Ⅶ. Notice on Registration for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Second Batch in December 2020)


Pre-registration channel will be opened on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 10:00 AM.

Link address:

After opening the web page, click on the “I want to sign up” option (neglect the pop-up error message “Sorry, there are currently no test tasks available for registration”), then select the third option from the bottom above “University” > “Shenzhen University Putonghua Test Station” > “Sign up”. If this is your first time using, please select the “Register” option.

Note: Please refer to the original text for more details.


Original Text



Ⅰ. Notice on Suspending the Online Payment of Tuition and Incidental Fees


Dear students,

    Due to the replacement of the non-tax system of the Municipal Finance Bureau, in order to ensure the normal payment of student tuition and fees after the system is replaced, our department is now temporarily suspending the online payment of tuition and incidental fees. The payment is expected to open on November 9, 2020. Students who are in urgent need to pay tuition and incidental fees, please go to Room B109 on basement level 1 of Huiyuan Building on Yuehai Campus or go to the Planning and Finance Department window in the Comprehensive Service Hall of Lihu Campus to find the teacher in charge. (Tel: 0755-26536167, Teacher Ma)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hereby notify the above.



Ⅱ. Notice on the Call for Activities of Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week


All colleges (departments),

    In order to fully display the achievements of innovation and entrepreneurship (hereinafter referred to as “Double Innovation”) education in our school, stimulate the innovative vitality of our students, and continue to create a good atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship, from December 12 to December 24, the school will hold a series of activities with the theme of “‘Creation and Joy on Liyuan’ Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week”. The event will be divided into four sections, including the Achievement Display section, the Competition Activities section, the Academic Forum section, and the Promotion section.

The “Double Innovation Week” is organized at a school level and a college level. The school activities are carefully designed by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center, the Academic Affairs Department, the Graduate School of Shenzhen University, the Youth League Committee and other departments in conjunction with the hot spots and needs of Double Innovation education; the college activities are planned by each college (department) independently combined with professional characteristics. In order to better display and publicize the new achievements and development of the college (department) Double Innovation week, we are now call for activities for the Double Innovation week from all colleges (departments) of the school. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.



1. Contents and Forms of the Solicitation Activities


(1) Interactive Experience Display

We will rely on the laboratory of the college (department), focusing on such popular fields as artificial intelligence, robotics, and life sciences to carry out offline experience activities for colleges (departments) so as to showcase our latest scientific research results, products and schemes. Teachers and students can interact on the spot.


(2) Students’ Creative Speech


We now collect innovative and creative speeches with wide dissemination value from all students. There is no limit on the form of the speech, whose topic can be but not limited to the connection between technology and human beings, information exchange and sharing, innovation and entrepreneurship education thinking, creative social observation, etc. The speaker needs to share his or her findings, experiences, or thinking within 20 minutes. Speeches can be given in English, so as to be open to international students. Solicitation ends on November 11, 2020.

(3) Art and Sports Achievement Display

We will collect original drama, dance drama, songs, artistic creations, sports intangible cultural heritage and other achievements from relevant colleges (departments), and carry out activities in the form of music salons, stage art specials, design works exhibitions, and so on.



2. Requirements for Activities


(1) All activities need to be held during from December 12 to December 24, 2020;

(2) Activities shall fully reflect the policy orientation and development direction of promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, and have strong innovation, representativeness, demonstration and public effects;

(3) Activities will be planned and organized by colleges (departments) (except for students’ creative speeches);

Activities that are included in the “‘Creation and Joy on Liyuan’ Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week” after application and selection will be publicized by the school uniformly and given a certain amount of financial support (students’ creative speech will be given a separate award);

The applicant unit and individual should fill in Shenzhen University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week Activities Declaration Form (see the annex), then submit it to Room 101 of Venture Park before October 31, 2020 and send the electronic version to

Contact: Da Che

Tel: 86925879



Ⅲ. Announcement on the Closure of the Plaza near the Gate One of Canghai Campus


All unites,

The supporting project of Canghai campus of our school is under construction. Now the area needs to be closed due to the asphalt paving of Gate One Plaza (marked by the solid red line in the general layout). Closure is tentatively scheduled to run from October 28, 2020 to October 29, 2020 at 7 AM. Hereby notify the above.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Annex: General Layout of Canghai Campus



Ⅳ. Notice on Announcing the List of Candidates for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Originally Scheduled for April)


All candidates,

We hereby announce the list of candidates who originally registered for the exam in April 2020 (now scheduled to take the exam on from November 3 to November 5), and the list of candidates who originally registered for the exam in May and June will be announced later. Students who forgot to write their student ID number when registering the test can call the center to add, and if there is any missing from the list, please contact the test center.

Candidates should bring their ID card, student ID card, or campus card, and admission ticket (also registration form, and students who lost it should bring a one-inch or two-inch photo with unlimited background color to the test site on the day of the test to reapply on the spot). Please wear a mask and protect yourself from possible infection.

Our school has resumed the National Putonghua Proficiency Test since October 2020. We will first arrange the exams that have been registered in the previous semester, then gradually resume the registration work on campus. Teachers and students who are in urgent need of taking exams can contact the center.

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education

Contact: 26557367



Notice on Announcing the List of Candidates for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Originally Scheduled for May and June)


All candidates,

We hereby announce the list of candidates who originally registered for the exam in May and June 2020 (now scheduled to take the exam on November 24 and November 25). If there is any missing from the list, please contact the test center.

Candidates should bring their ID card, student ID card, or campus card, and admission ticket (also registration form, and students who lost it should bring a one-inch or two-inch photo with unlimited background color to the test site on the day of the test to reapply on the spot). Please wear a mask and protect yourself from possible infection.

Our school has resumed the National Putonghua Proficiency Test since October 2020. We will first arrange the exams that have been registered in the previous semester, then gradually resume the registration work on campus. Please pay attention to the notice. 

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education

Contact: 26557367



Ⅴ. Notice on the Putonghua Recitation Competition of Shenzhen University


In accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the Notice of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and Other Departments on Carrying out the 23rd National Putonghua Promotion Week, combined with the actual situation of our school, we regard October as the 23rd school-wide Putonghua promotion month. In order to further promote the popularization of Putonghua and the standardization of language and writing, the school decides to hold the Putonghua recitation competition. The relevant matters of the competition are hereby notified as follows.


1. Competition Time: from September 9 to November 6


2. Competition Targets: All students participate voluntarily.


3. Competition Requirements:


(1) Requirements of the article: it can be Chinese classic poems that embody the excellent Chinese traditional culture and the charm of Chinese language; excellent works that express patriotic feelings and promote positive energy; Outstanding literary works with social influence in ancient, modern, and contemporary times; great works that eulogize the heroes who made contributions to the fight against the pandemic and embody the spirit of our response to the pandemic with unified efforts.


(2) Form Requirements: individual recitation. He or she shall speak standard Putonghua and is allowed to use music and clothing to better display the recitation. Video works must be recorded in real-time and dubbing is not permitted.

 (3) Submission Requirements: Please send the competition program as a video to the mailbox of Putonghua Test Center ( The video is limited to 3 to 6 minutes, and please name the video in “Name + College + Program Name + Phone Number”. The contestant should show his or her name, college name, and program name at the beginning of the video. The video should have clear images and sounds and is free from jitter and noise.

 4. Awards:

This competition will conduct online review and set up the first prize, the second prize, and the third prize. Prizes and certificates will be awarded to winners.



5. Contact:


Tel: 26557367

Place: Putonghua Test Center (Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education)


Ⅵ. The Third Session of Navigation Lecture Series: Introduction to The Wealth of Nations - The Founding Work of Market Economy Theory


Shenzhen University carefully creates the Navigation Lecture Series for undergraduate students, aiming to further strengthen general education, broaden students’ horizons, guide students to explore different disciplines and understand various thinking methods of subjects, and improve students’ humanistic sensibilities, scientific literacy, aesthetic taste, logic thinking and innovation ability so that they can be more competitive and advantageous.

 The Navigation Lecture Series, which is a gift from the school for new students who have just started university, develops around the general education textbooks Selected Readings: An Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences and Selected Readings: An Introduction to Classics in Natural Sciences, which are compiled and published by a team of well-known professors of our school. The classics included in these two books, which are the scientific documents selected by the co-editors, are more suitable for undergraduate freshmen. These articles embody the hard work of the editors and their earnest expectation towards the younger students. The school transforms classic textbooks into curriculum resources, enabling freshmen to have face-to-face exchanges with well-known professors in the form of lecture series.


The Navigation Lecture Series, which has been offered for undergraduates since 2020, is included in the undergraduate talent training program and belongs to the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course” in undergraduate course system. It is compulsory and is counted as one credit in the practice transcript. The course cycle is one academic year, with one lecture per week. 

Navigation Lecture Series offer physical classes and online learning. Students can reserve physical classes through the online registration system before the lecture starts every week. During the freshmen year, new students who have attended two or more lectures in class and received five or more online learning sessions can obtain one credit for compulsory courses.


 Introduction to Selected Readings: An Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences:

This book, edited by Jianping Gao, selects 16 articles of all times and in all countries, which cover the fields of literature, history, philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, etc. and is dedicated to enable new students to have a general understanding of humanities and social sciences classics. This book is conducive to establishing core values for college students and provides positive energy for their growth, and thus giving entry-level guides for students to further study humanities and social sciences. This book contains 16 chapters, each of which is divided into four sections. The first section is an introduction to the author and the work, introducing the author and the main content of the particular selected article; the second section is the selected reading of the original text, and provides certain notes when necessary; the third section is a concise and precise explanation of the significance of the selected article, and the fourth section is about thinking and extended reading, and provides reading suggestions for college students’ in-depth study.

This book can be not only used for reading and learning by first-year undergraduates majoring in literature, science, engineering and medicine in ordinary colleges and universities, but also used as a textbook for general education courses in humanities and social sciences.


Introduction to Selected Readings: An Introduction to Classics in Natural Sciences:


This book, edited by Heping Xie, selects 17 natural sciences texts from classic literature, which cover mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, materials, computing, electronic information, medicine, architecture, and other research fields. These selected articles will give new students a general understanding of the natural sciences classics and will be beneficial for college students to cultivate the way of thinking of natural sciences, enlighten the soul, stimulate interest and creativity. They will enable students to have a free and comprehensive potential development and provide an entry-level guide for students to further study natural sciences.

This book is divided into 17 chapters, each of which has four sections. The first section is an introduction, introducing the main content and the author information of the selected classical work; the second section is the selected reading, providing portions of the original text and its translation, and giving some notes when necessary; the third section is a commentary, and a summary explanation of the significance of the selected article will be made; the fourth section is thinking and extended reading, and provides reading suggestions for college students’ in-depth study.

This book can be not only used for reading and learning by first-year undergraduates majoring in literature, science, engineering and medicine in ordinary colleges and universities, but also used as a textbook for general education courses in natural sciences.





Introduction to the lecturer:

Ruoyu Zhong, Ph.D. in economics from Nankai University, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shenzhen University. Professor Zhong is the director of the Shenzhen Institute of Applied Economics, an expert of the Fifth Shenzhen Municipal Policy Advisory Committee, a senior expert contacted by the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and former Standing Committee member and Vice President of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics. He is also the director of the Association of the History of Chinese Economic Thought, director of Population Research Institute of Shenzhen University, and the vice chairman of the Shenzhen Internet Society. Professor Zhong is the author of The Resource Productivity of China: A Study on the Basis of Material Flow Analysis (published by China Economy Publishing House in 2009), Towards Modern Service Industry (published by Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore in 2006), etc. Professor Zhong also co-authored A Study of China's Special Economic Zones (published by The Commercial Press) with Professor Dongbin Su, and the book was selected as a book in "Shenzhen Reading: 40 Years · 40 Books" in 2018.


Brief Introduction to the lecture:


The Wealth of Nations is the founding work of economics, a representative of classical economics, and the founding work of market economy theory. This book establishes the clear goal of political economy to “enrich the country and benefit the people” and advocates a market economy of free competition. It is a classic that helps us truly understand the logic of the market economy and the great transformation of contemporary China. The lecture will take the division of labor as the logical starting point for the discussion and analysis of The Wealth of Nations, and extend to the “invisible hand” and “Adam Smith-Problem”.

 Offline Lecture Registration Methods and Requirements:

1. Students need to sign up on the Navigation Lecture Series app (also known as “领航讲座” app) in the Intranet Service Hall from 8:00, November 2 to 13:00, November 5. Please notify that the quota is limited and done on a first-come-first-served basis, until quota lasts. Please refer to the attachment Navigation Lecture Series System Operation Guide for operation guidance. Only students of 2020 class are allowed to sign up;

2. The system will assign the seat number after successful registration. Please take your seat accordingly. Students who are not seated according to the seat number shall be deemed to have not attended the lecture. Registration can be canceled after registering successfully. The cancellation rules are as follows.

(1) Students who have registered successfully can cancel the registration within six hours after the registration deadline and can resubmit;

(2) If the registration has been successful, but is canceled more than six hours after the registration deadline, the quota will not be processed though it has been released;

(3) Students who have registered successfully but canceled it within six hours after the registration deadline will be disqualified from the next week and can continue to register after one week;

(4) Students who have registered successfully but fail to attend the lecture on time will be disqualified from the next two weeks and can continue to register after two weeks;

(5) Students who have registered successfully twice and have two attendance records will be prompted with “You have registered successfully twice. Please pay attention to whether there is any quota available within six hours after the registration deadline.” If there is any quota available within six hours after the registration deadline, the registration will be processed successfully.


3. This lecture will be documented as teaching materials. Please listen carefully to the lecture and abide by classroom discipline. Thank you for your cooperation.


4. The online courses can be played online at UOOC, and the specific method will be notified separately.

Welcome Class of 2020 freshmen who are interested in it sign up to take part in the Navigation Lecture Series and let them guide your college life. Unregistered students are welcome to attend as well.


 Ⅶ. Notice on Registration for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test (Second Batch in December 2020)

Due to the prevention and control of the pandemic, this site currently only receives the registration from the teachers and students of Shenzhen University. Registration for the exam in December 2020 is now open. More details are as follows.


1. Registration Time


The pre-registration channel will be opened at 10:00 AM on Sunday, November 2. After the quota is filled, the staff will review the candidates’ registration information and delete the registration records that are not filled in as required. If there is any quota left, the pre-registration channel will be opened again.


2. Registration Method


Candidates need to pre-register online. After successful pre-registration, candidates should pay the fee at the site within the specified time and obtain the admission ticket before they are eligible for the exam.


(1) Pre-registration


Link address:

After opening the web page, click on the “I want to sign up” option (neglect the pop-up error message “Sorry, there are currently no test tasks available for registration”), then select the third option from the bottom above “University” > “Shenzhen University Putonghua Test Station” > “Sign up”. If this is your first time using, please select the “Register” option.


(1) Candidates’ student ID number and information about college and class must be filled in. Candidates who do not fill in their student ID number will be considered as social candidates and their pre-registration information will be deleted. The faculty and staff need to fill in the job number in the “Student ID Number” column and fill in their information about college and department in the “College/Department” column;

(2) Candidates choose either “Non Pre-service Teachers” or “Pre-service Teachers”, and faculty and staff shall fill in according to the actual situation;

(3) Please fill in the mobile phone number;

(4) Please fill in “Shenzhen University” in the “Current Unit” column;

(5) Please upload a one-inch ID photo (with unlimited background color) as a photo of the admission ticket according to the requirements. The certificate photo shall be collected on the test day;

(6) Please fill in the correct year and month of enrollment, and faculty and staff do not need to fill in.



2. Payment


(1) Time:

Monday (November 16 and November 20): 8:30-11:30, 14:00-17:00

Friday (November 23 and November 27): 8:30-11:30, 14:00-17:00

Please pay the fee within the specified time. The application information of candidates who fail to pay will be deleted and candidates will not be able to take the exam.

 (2) Place: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education

(3) Method: Candidates are required to bring their student ID card or campus card to the Putonghua Test Center within the specified time after the successful online pre-registration and pay the fee by swiped their card or using the Alipay. If it is a unified registration by class, then students need to fill in their personal information on the Internet. The person in charge should collect the fees and pay uniformly;

(4) Fee: 25 yuan for students and 50 yuan for faculty and staff


3. Receive the admission ticket

(1) Pick up on site

Candidates will receive the admission ticket at the Putonghua Test Center after paying the fee. The admission ticket contains content like instructions for candidates, certificate number, admission ticket number, test time, test place, etc. and candidates are required to read carefully and follow the instructions. On the day of the examination, candidates need to bring their ID card, student ID card (or campus card), and admission ticket (all are needed) before they can take the test.


(2) Online printing


If your admission ticket is lost, you can print it online by yourself. The steps are as follows.

Log in to the website and select the "Print Admission Ticket" option at the top > enter your name and ID number > click the "Print Admission Ticket" button.

Candidates are qualified for the examination after completing the three steps of registration, payment, and receipt of the admission ticket.


3. Pre-test training


Time: 9: 00 - 10: 30 on October 31, November 14, and December 5 (Candidates only need to attend one of them according to their own time)

Place: Room 204, Teaching Building A, Faculty of Education


4. Contact

Tel: 26557367

Test site: Room 207, Teaching Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University

Place: Room 710, Office Building B, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University



Halloween is around the corner!


Do you have any companions?

Remember to protect yourself from the pandemic when playing.

Contact us

Address: L3-1236, Science and Technology Building, South Campus, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen

Telephone: 0755-26976348


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