Students Life

Notices | Important Events This Week

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Notices | Important Events This Week



November 29th, 2020


 Big event this week

Shenzhen’s winter finally starts today!

Let’s see what’s new in this week’s notices.


Simple & Elegant



Ⅰ. The Guidance Meeting on Applying for National Social Science Fund by Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University was Held Successfully

On the morning of November 24th, 2020, the Guidance Meeting on Applying for National Social Science Fund by Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University was successfully held in the National Conference Hall. Professor Chen Li (Vice Dean of Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University) and Director Ye Chen (Director of Academic Affairs Office) presided over the conferences in Hall A and Hall B respectively. Professor Dehua Liu of Hunan Normal University, Professor Jicun  Xu of Shandong Normal University, Professor Gangping Wu of East China Normal University, Professor Yun Yao of Beijing Normal University, Professor Zhijun Hao of National institute of Education Sciences, Professor Xuexin He of Tianjin Normal University and Professor Jiajun Zhang of Southwest University were invited to attend the meeting. The professors have shared many perspectives, which can be viewed in the following detailed version.


Ⅱ. Notice on Publicly Recruiting Volunteers for the 24th Special Work Project Team of Shenzhen University Student Union


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Several Opinions on Promoting the Deepening Reform of the Student Union (Postgraduate Student Union) of Colleges and Universities by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the All-China Students’ Federation, and the Ministry of Education and the guideline opinions of the Party Committee of Shenzhen University on implementing the reform of the Postgraduate Union of Student Union, the future work and activities of the Student Union of Shenzhen University will be carried out in the form of project team. We are now openly recruiting volunteers from the full-time undergraduate students of the whole school for the 24th Special Work Project Team of Shenzhen University Student Union. Detailed rules are as follows. People who are interested are welcome to sign up!


Ⅲ. Welcome to Participate in the 27th Annual Academic Conference of China Education and Research Computer Network CERNET

Sponsored by China Education and Research Network (CERNET) National Center, undertaken by Shenzhen University, and co-organized by the CERNET Expert Committee, the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and the Bureau of Education of Shenzhen Municipality, the 27th Annual Academic Conference of China Education and Research Computer Network CERNET with the theme of “New Normal Education in the Post-Pandemic Period Supported by New Network Technology” will be held from November 29, 2020 to December 3, 2020 at the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai Hotel. Welcome to pay more attention.


. Notice on Applying for Sponsorship of Master’s Degree Students of City University of Macau for the 2021-2022 Academic Year


1. Deadline: Until 16:00 on December 25th, 2020

2. Application Conditions:

(1) Fresh graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year, currently studying at Shenzhen University;

(2) One should adopt a good study attitude and have no record of cheating on exams or serious violation of disciplines;

(3) One should have good virtues, healthy physical and mental conditions, excellent grades, strong innovative spirit as well as the ability to think and work independently;



(4) One should have excellent undergraduate performance and meet one of the following conditions:


a. Those who participate in the national postgraduate entrance exam for that year and the total score in the preliminary examination reaches the A-class of national line in Zone A of the country;

b. Before registration, the GPA of the undergraduate student in the six semesters should be equal to or above 36 or the average score should be equal to or above 80, and the student’s grades should rank in the top 30% in the same major and grade.


For more specifics, please visit the detailed version.


 The Ultimate Version


Ⅰ. On the morning of November 24, 2020, The Guidance Meeting on Applying for National Social Science Fund by Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University was successfully held in the National Conference Hall. Professor Chen Li (Vice Dean of Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University) and Director Ye Chen (Director of Academic Affairs Office) presided over the conferences in Hall A and Hall B respectively. Professor Dehua Liu of Hunan Normal University, Professor Jicun Xu of Shandong Normal University, Professor Gangping Wu of East China Normal University, Professor Yun Yao of Beijing Normal University, Professor Zhijun Hao of National institute of Education Sciences, Professor Xuexin He of Tianjin Normal University and Professor Jiajun Zhang of Southwest University were invited to attend the meeting.



The four professors in the Hall A gave detailed guidance on the issues that need to be paid attention when applying for national projects, taking the proposed declaration forms of seven teachers of our faculty as examples. The main points are:

First, we need to pay heed to the selection of topics and the expression of headlines. Professor Yun Yao holds the opinion that there are three main sources for the topic selection of the National Social Science Fund. One of the sources is major national events; other is regional advantages, which means combining the characteristics of regional development when developing a topic will significantly enhance application advantages, but we need to be aware that the provincial internal problems should not be enlarged to the national level; and the third is demographic characteristics. For example, Shenzhen is an immigrant city, and the characteristics of immigration should be properly combined in the research process. In terms of the expression of the headline, Professor Gangping Wu holds the opinion that core concepts in the headline should be controlled within an appropriate number and should be realistic.

Second, we need to consider the characteristics of the subject when choosing the subject orientation. Let’s take the program of The Historical Contributions of Child Care and Education in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region as an example. Professor Gangping Wu thinks that although this subject belongs to an interdisciplinary research, history is more concerned with historical methods than the history of education does and has higher requirements for research methods, and therefore, it is more appropriate to apply for pedagogy. Professor Yun Yao believes that the starting point of historical research and educational research is different from each other, suggesting that pedagogy focuses on solving educational problems while history pays more attention on tracing historical facts.

Third, we need to act according to our capability in research. Professor Jicun Xu holds the opinion that the approval of the application of the project not only pays heed to the written expression of the declaration form, but also exams the researcher’s ability to manage the project. Therefore, the expected results should be submitted according to their abilities.

 Fourth, research should give priority to serving locals. Professor Dehua Liu believes that the education and teaching of teachers at Shenzhen University must first serve Shenzhen and deliver talents to Shenzhen. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously focuses on the research issues concerning Shenzhen and to bring research achievements to the city.


The seven teachers of our faculty in the Hall B respectively reported on the selection of topics for the application and responding writing ideas. The three professors first put forward the general matters which should be paid attention to in the national project application, and then gave detailed guidance to the seven teachers in their selected topics. Professor Jiajun Zhang puts forward seven key points for the declaration, including novel headlines, specified questions, clear thoughts, rigorous demonstration, appropriate methods, solid foundation and fruitful achievements. Professor Xuexin He guided each teacher’s headline one by one to generate development momentum and put forward suggestions for revisions of some teachers’ reviews and research methods. Professor Zhijun Hao further emphasized the writing skills of declaration form, such as the number of core concepts in the headline should be appropriate, the research content should be typical, the diagrams in the report should be clear, and so forth.


Additionally, the professors also gave detailed instructions on many aspects such as the writing skills, research methods and literature reviews of the declaration form. Some teachers raised questions about application procedures and the number of words in the report, and the professors replied all the questions carefully.

Finally, Professor Chen Li presented a summary of the suggestions of the four professors in terms of the selection and expression of topics, research framework design, innovation points, etc., expressed an earnest hope for that the teachers attending the meeting can reach a higher position and have broader horizons, and wished all the teachers a smooth subject declaration process. Professor Ye Chen once again expressed his sincere gratitude to the distinguished professors on behalf of the teachers and students attending to the meeting and invited them to visit the Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University in the future for communications and exchanges. The conference achieved a complete success.



 Ⅱ. Dear students:

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Several Opinions on Promoting the Deepening Reform of the Student Union (Postgraduate Student Union) of Colleges and Universities by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the All-China Students’ Federation, and the Ministry of Education and the guideline opinions of the Party Committee of Shenzhen University on implementing the reform of the Postgraduate Union of Student Union, the future work and activities of the Student Union of Shenzhen University will be carried out in the form of project team. We are now openly recruiting project team volunteers from the full-time undergraduate students of the whole school for the 24th Special Work Project of Shenzhen University Student Union. The recruitment notice is as follows.


1. Volunteer Qualification Requirements


(1) One should have firm ideals and beliefs, love and support the Communist Party of China, have strong patriotic feelings and a sense of patriotism as well as promote and practice the core socialist values;

(2) One should have good conduct, a practical life style, the willingness to make contributions as well as the initiative and ability to serve all students wholeheartedly;

(3) One should have excellent academic performance and no academic warning records.


2. Recruitment Procedures


(1) Self-recommendation;

(2) The presidium of the Student Union and the directors-general of each department shall examine the qualifications of the candidates and propose opinions on appointment through such procedures as qualification review and soliciting opinions.

3. Registration Method

If you want to participate in the open recruitment of project team volunteers, please truthfully fill in and submit the Application Form for the Volunteer Candidates of the 24th Shenzhen University Student Union Special Work Project Team (see attachment) to the Shenzhen University Student Union for review.

4. Time and Place for Submission of Materials

Students who have signed up need to provide the electronic version of materials and send them to before 18:00 on November 29. Please name the file as “Project Team Volunteer - Name + Student Number”.



Ⅴ. Introduction on Project Teams


(1) Office Special Work Project Team

Venues and Materials Management Project Team: Coordinate with such organizations as the School League Committee and the Student Activity Center and take charge of the online and offline application, filing and approval as well as the deployment of venues for activities inside the Student Union. At the same time, the project team takes charge of the procurement and management of the materials of the Student Union and reviews the application of borrowing materials of many organizations such as the Student Union of colleges and university.

Financial Management Project Team: Take charge of the financial application and pre-settlement review of various departments of the Student Union of the university.

Contact Document Project Team: Take charge of personnel arrangement, material storage, activity liaison, work assessment as well as data collection and sorting. At the same time, team members are responsible for reviewing and revising official documents and notices, the revision of document templates and the management of the official account of the department.

Lihu Project Team: Mainly take charge of the implementation of the administration work of the Lihu campus. It needs to promote the institutionalization and diversification of the Student Union’s work through the management of assessment, the deployment of materials and venues, the management of personnel records and documental files, the supervision of system construction, internal appraisal and commendation as well as communications between the two campuses, while offering assistance for various activities of the Student Union in many aspects like providing skilled host, ritual girl, graphical models, etc. and undertaking recruitment seminars, award ceremonies of appointment letter, roundtables of the Student Union of the university, summary and commendation conferences as well as other kinds of meetings of any scale.


(2) Department of Students’ Rights and Interests Project Team


Campus Research Project Team: Take charge of the quality inspection of canteens, price investigation, etc.

Public Relations Department Project Team: Take charge of life exchanges in Li Garden, principal luncheon, etc.

Media Project Team: Take charge of the operation of Quan Xiao Yi (also known as “权小益”) and Quan Yi Tu (also known as “权益兔”), collect and solve students’ problems encountered in their daily lives;

Lihu Project Team: The Lihu project team of Department of Students’ Rights and Interests integrates media, research, communication and implementation of reforms, building a bridge between the Lihu campus and the students. The main work of the project team includes operating the personal WeChat account Xi Xiao Li (also known as “西小荔”) of the Lihu project team of Shenzhen University Student Union to receive and solve problems as well as make suggestions; hold quality inspection activities of canteen and restaurants from time to time to widen the path or rights protection for students on the Lihu campus; implement the campus health inspection system and make joint efforts to build a better Lihu campus environment; pay heed to the hot topics on the campus, investigate the key issues of students’ rights and interests, communicate with school leaders actively and play a role in school reform and development, etc.


(3) Special Work Project Team of the Department of Primary Services and External Relations


Primary Service Management Project Team: Coordinate and maintain close contact with all colleges. It serves as a bridge to connect the campus, colleges and classes, to collect students’ needs and give timely feedback, and at the same time, to provide the college with resources that meet the needs of the college so as to serve the students.

Reception and Visit Management Project Team: The reception and visit group is mainly responsible for the friendly communications and exchanges between colleges and universities. It needs to receive distinguished guests such as municipal leaders, representatives from colleges and universities, primary and secondary students in practice activities, etc. and organize visits to universities and social organizations aiming to promote the close contacts between colleges and universities as well as the friendly exchanges between students and external organization.

Daily Management of Social Resources Project Team: Mainly responsible for accumulating corresponding social resources according to the needs of the school and students, so as to facilitate better services for students and ensure the smooth development of school activities.

Lihu Project Team: Mainly responsible for providing grassroots liaison for students on the Lihu campus, visiting major colleges, universities and enterprises, receiving foreign guests, introducing high-quality off-campus resources to raise funds for various activities of the Student Union, seeking cooperation opportunities, etc. playing an important part in services and liaison.


(4) Special Work of Social Practice Department Project Team


School-Enterprise Docking Project Team: Mainly take charge of activities jointly help by the school and enterprises, such as Spring Career Fair, enterprise visits and campus talk. The project team needs to confirm activity-related content through communication and coordination with enterprises and implement it inside and outside the school, so as to provide a platform for students to communicate with the enterprises face to face.

Daily Operation Project Team: Mainly take charge of the daily operation of the official WeChat account of the Social Practice Department, the release of the recruitment information of the enterprises and the update synchronization of the recruitment information on such platforms as the official Weibo account and the “荔园晨风” section of the intranet of Shenzhen University.

Even Promotion Project Team: Responsible for the promotion work of departmental activities, such as the design of posters and leaflets of school-enterprise activities, the content of WeChat push as well as shooting photographs. At the same time, the project team also needs to promote the official WeChat account to attract new enterprises and new student users and accumulate certain user resources. In addition, it needs to update Job House, the column of the official WeChat account of the Student Union on a two-week basis. 

Lihu Project Team: We have always upheld the principle of “serve students” since the establishment of the project team and spared no effort in building a bridge for communication between students and the outside world. We mainly responsible for Lihu campus-enterprise cooperation activities, such as Spring Career Fair, enterprise visits, campus talks, etc. We will confirm activity-related content through communication and coordination with enterprises and implement it inside and outside the school, so as to provide a platform for students to communicate with the enterprises face to face. Additionally, we also take charge of the organization of public welfare activities to enrich students’ extracurricular life of the students on the Lihu campus.


(5) Special Work Project Team of Organization Department


Assessment Questionnaire Project Team: Responsible for the assessment and commendation of all members of various departments and Student Union and improve the assessment system, release questionnaires to the Student Union, collect and analyze the results of the questionnaire and give feedback.

Personnel File Management Project Team: Collect, manage and archive the information of members of the Student Union, make a backup of the plan and the questionnaire of each activity.

Liaison and Training Project Team: Responsible for the interaction of internal information and personnel deployment of Student Union so as to provide training resources for members of the Student Union and build a training platform.


(6) Special Work Project Team of the Academic Department


Guest Project Team: Mainly responsible for searching guest resources on various platforms, and then sending invitation letters to guests through the platform, and coordinating with guests after reaching cooperation intention.

Media Project Team: Mainly take charge of the routine operation work of the WeChat account of the department.

Team Building Project Team: Responsible for the organization of internal activities including home parties, outings, tea parties, etc. to enhance team cohesion.

Wind Rose Salon Project Team: Responsible for organizing academic salon activities on campus, inviting teachers and students to discuss social issues and conducting free debates to promote the collision of thinking and the spread of knowledge.

Chasing Storms Forums Project Team: Responsible for building a bridge for communications between campus students and off-campus academic resources and encouraging students to reach the world outside the school and meet guests from different academic fields.

Lihu Project Team: Mainly take charge of the organization of cultural and sports activities on the Lihu campus. It has made great contributions to showing the charm of the Lihu campus of Shenzhen University, enriching the cultural life on Lihu campus and displaying students’ talents at Shenzhen University. The main work of the project team includes cooperating and coordinating with other departments and organizing major events such as music festivals, Fenghui carnivals, inter-college dance competitions and so forth every year to enrich the cultural life of students on Lihu campus. In addition, through organizing and holding such activities as celebrity lectures and career planning lectures, the Lihu project team of Academic Department helps students on Lihu campus better plan their university life and promotes the development of academic culture on Lihu campus of Shenzhen University.


(7) New Media Operation Project Group


New Media Operation Project Team represents important part of the Student Union of Shenzhen University online. It is the operator behind the new media platform of the Student Union of the university as well as the promoter behind the content. The work of New Media Operation Project Team can be divided into two parts, online and offline. Online work includes operating the Student Union’s official account, backup accounts, such as Xiao Xiao Hui (also known as “校小会”), Ga Xiao Mu (also known as “噶小姆”) and Xi Xiao Li (also known as “西小荔”), Weibo account and the official radio station. Offline work includes planning and organizing exchanges of new media with various organizations inside and outside the Student Union and participating the record of on-site activities. We are operation-oriented, showing the images of our school externally and the value of the Student Union internally. We endeavor to promote the image of Shenzhen University, build a bridge connecting the school to others, discuss campus hot topics, release important notices and information, provide a window for communication and practice the principle of serving our students.


(8) Inter-College Dance Competition Project Group


The annual inter-college dance competition of the Student Union of Shenzhen University is an indispensable event for the Student Union. Inter-College Dance Competition Project Group of Shenzhen University endeavors to hold a wonderful and impressive dance competition to enrich students’ campus life and create a stronger cultural atmosphere.


Ⅲ. Sponsored by China Education and Research Network (CERNET) National Center, undertaken by Shenzhen University, and co-organized by the CERNET Expert Committee, the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, and the Bureau of Education of Shenzhen Municipality, the 27th annual academic conference of China Education and Research Computer Network CERNET will be held from November 29, 2020 to December 3, 2020 at the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai Hotel.

The theme of this conference is “New Normal Education in the Post-Pandemic Period Supported by New Network Technology”. Government leaders and honored guests participated in the conference are

Jianping Wu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Guoliang Chen, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhaozi Lei, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education

Peng Guo, Director of the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Education

Hua Shu, Director of Education Informatization and Network Security Division, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education

Changshan Ren, Deputy director of Education Informatization and Network Security Division, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education

Jianping Mei, Associate Counselor of the Department of High-Tech Industry of the Ministry of Education

Zongkai Yang, President of Xidian University

Xiqin Wang, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University

Li Chen, Vice President of Beijing Normal University

Qinghua Zheng, Vice President of Xi’an Jiaotong University

The number of participants in this conference is expected to exceed 1,000. For the specific schedule, please refer to the attached conference manual.


Everyone is welcome to participate!

 Ⅳ. To encourage excellent fresh undergraduate graduates to apply for master’s degree programs of the City University of Macau, after consultation, our university and the City University of Macau have signed the Sponsorship Agreement for Graduate Students at City University of Macau in December, 2019. Now the admission application for sponsor students of 2021-2022 academic year is officially accepted.

1. Application time: from now to 16:00 on December 25, 2020

2. Application conditions:


(1) Fresh graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year, currently studying at Shenzhen University;

(2) One should adopt a good study attitude and have no record of cheating on exams or serious violation of disciplines;

(3) One should have good virtues, healthy physical and mental conditions, excellent grades, strong innovative spirit as well as the ability to think and work independently;

(4) One should have excellent undergraduate performance and meet one of the following conditions:


a. Those who participate in the national postgraduate entrance exam for that year and the total score in the preliminary examination reaches the A-class line of the first-class districts of the country;

b. Before registration, the GPA of the undergraduate student in the six semesters should be equal to or above 36 or the average score should be equal to or above 80, and the student’s grades should rank in the top 30% in the same major and grade.


3. Application materials


Students who meet the aforementioned sponsorship requirements must submit the following materials to Office of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Affairs.

(1) Original school transcript and certification of rank

(2) Admission ticket and transcript of National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (applicable to those who have participated in the Postgraduate Admission Test and the total score of the preliminary examination has passed the A-class line of the national line);

Note: Please send the transcript of National Postgraduate Entrance Examination to

as soon as possible after the results are announced.

(3) Various awards and certificates;

(4) Sponsorship Information Summary Sheet

Please sent Material 1-3 (need to be scanned into PDF in high definition) and Material 4 (in Word version) to and name the email into name + major of application + Postgraduate Sponsorship Application of City University of Macau in the 2021-2022 Academic Year;


4. Admission Procedure


(1) All applicants need to submit their application through the online application system of City University of Macau and upload the electronic files of required documents to!/McuIndex during the period from 25th November, 2020 to 25th December, 2020;

(2) The Office of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Affairs will conduct a preliminary review of submitted materials and qualified applicants will be recommended to the City University of Macau;

(3) From December to March, the City University of Macau will successively organize professionals to determine the list of direct admission and the list of applicants who can go into interview without taking a written test;

(4) The specific interview method is subject to the latest notice from City University of Macau, which will be sent to applicants via e-mail directly. Please provide correct email address in your application materials. Otherwise, you will be unable to receive emails from City University of Macau;

(5) Student who have received admission letter need to confirm and complete relevant admission procedures within the allotted time. Otherwise, he or she will be deemed to abandon their sponsorship qualifications.

Ⅴ. Preferences for sponsored students

1. No written test;

2. Free registration fee;

3. High achieving students can be considered for admission to the direct postgraduate program, free of all entrance examinations and registration fees;

4. Scholarships give priority to outstanding students 

Attachment 1: Enrollment Guide for Full-time Postgraduate and PhD Students in the 2021-2022 Academic Year


Attachment 2: Information Summary Sheet of Sponsored Students

 The weather is dry, pay attention to fire prevention.

It’s getting cold now, don’t forget to wear more clothes.


Contact us

Address: L3-1236, Science and Technology Building, South Campus, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen

Telephone: 0755-26976348


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