国家二级心理咨询师。2015年6月于浙江大学获医学博士学位,师从杨廷忠教授。曾先后赴美国西弗吉尼亚大学、霍普金斯大学访学一年。研究领域为健康心理学,研究内容主要涉及群体健康行为促进与不确定性心理压力干预等。已主持省部级、市级等科研课题11项,作为骨干成员参与国际及国家级、省部级课题9项。共发表中英文论文40余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Journal of Affective Disorders, Journal of Health Psychology, BMC Psychiatry,American Journal of Health Promotion等国际期刊发表SSCI/SCI论文21篇。
2006年9月-2010年7月 中山大学护理学院 护理学专业 获医学学士学位
2007年9月-2009年7月 中山大学公共卫生学院 辅修医学心理学专业
2010年9月-2015年6月 浙江大学医学院 精神病与精神卫生学专业 获医学博士学位
2013年12月-2014年6月 西弗吉尼亚大学伤害控制研究中心博士研究生联合培养项目
2014年7月-2014年12月 约翰霍普金斯大学全球控烟研究中心Graduate Certificate Program
2015年7月-2020年8月 广东医科大学人文与管理学院心理学系 讲师
2020年9月-至今 深圳大学心理学院 助理教授,硕士生导师
11.Building Tobacco Treatment Capacity in Medical Universities and Affiliated Hospitals in China(Global Bridge国际项目子课题,2015年-2016年)
18.Global Health Professions Student Survey,China(World Health Organization国际项目,2013年-2014年)
19.Facilitate MOH Endorsement of Tobacco Control Implementation to Promote Curriculum in Medical School(International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease国际项目,2012年-2014年)
20.Tobacco Control Courses in Smokefree Universities with Public Health Faculties(International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease国际项目,2010年-2011年)
1.Wu, D., Liu, Y., Yang, T. (2024). Pet Ownership: A Sign of Superior Socioeconomic Position?Evidences from Six Cities in China. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 225: 106140. [IF(2023)=2.2; SCI一区)
2.Yang, T., Cottrell, R. R., &Wu, D.*(2024). Is unassisted smoking cessation choice and success associated with high mental stress? Evidence from six cities in China. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 22(October), 1-11. *唯一通讯作者[IF(2023)=2.2; SSCI/SCI二区]
3.Li, C.,Wu, D.*,Bullen,C., Chen, J., Cheung, F., Zheng, Y., Luo, C. (2024). Job-related Factors Associated with Tobacco Use among Chinese Food Delivery Riders: A Cross-sectional Survey. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 22 *唯一通讯作者[IF(2023)=2.2; SSCI/SCI二区]
4.Yang, T., &Wu, D.(2023). Behavioral and Mental Health Problems in Children. Children, 10(11), 1820. (Editorial) [IF(2023)=2.0; SCI二区]
5.Wu, D., & Yang, T. (2023). Late Bedtime, Uncertainty Stress among Chinese College Students: Impacton Academic Performance and Self-rated Health. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 28(10):2915-2926. [IF(2023)=2.3; SSCI/SCI二区)
6.Zhu, Z.,Wu, D.*, Wei, K., Liu, Y., Xu, Z., Jiao, G., ... & Zou, L. (2023). Uncertainty stress and self-rated health during the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11(1), 2173202. *唯一通讯作者[IF(2023)=2.4; ESCI二区]
7.Peng, S.#,Wu, D.#, Yang, T., & Bottorff, J. L. (2023). Does obesity related eating behaviors only affect chronic diseases? A nationwide study of university students in China. Preventive Medicine Reports, 32, 102135. #共同第一作者[IF(2023)=2.4, SCI二区]
8.Yang, X. Y., Vuolo, M. C., &Wu, D.* (2022). The toxic gift: reciprocity and social capital in cigarette exchange in China. Health Sociology Review, 31(3), 309-325. *唯一通讯作者[IF(2022)=3.6, SSCI一区]
9.Wu, D., Yang, T., Herold, F., Hall, D.L., Mueller, N., Yeung, A., Kramer, A.F., Guo, T., Zou, L. (2022) Validation of the 4-Item and 10-Item Uncertainty Stress Scale in a Community-Based Sample of Chinese Adults. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15: 2803-2813 [IF(2022)=4.3, SSCI一区]
10.Zhou, H., Hoe, C., Zhang, W., Yang, X., Li, M., &Wu, D*. (2022). Are E-Cigarette and Tea Cigarette Gifting Behaviors Associated with Tobacco Use and Failed Quit Attempts in China?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(22), 15333. *唯一通讯作者[IF(2021)=4.614, SSCI/SCI二区]
11.Zhang, L., Huang, L., Weiger, C., Jiao, C., Li, Y., &Wu, D.* (2022). Prevalence, correlates, and behavioral outcomes of alcohol gifting in China. BMC Public Health, 22(1):1653. *唯一通讯作者[IF(2022)=4.5, SCI二区]
12.Ye, Y., Feng, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Chen, J.,Wu, D*., ... & Jiang, S*. (2022). Family influences on older adults' problem drinking: A representative nationwide study of China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 850931 *共同通讯作者[IF(2022)=5.2, SSCI/SCI一区]
13.Wu, D., Jiao, G. H., Hu, H., Zhang, L., Huang. L.X., & Jiang, S. H. (2022). Cigarette sharing and gifting in China: Patterns, associated factors, and behavioral outcomes. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20(1).144054 [IF(2022)=3.7, SSCI/SCI二区]
14.Wu, D., Rockett, I. R., Yang, T., Yang, X. Y., Wang, M., & Jiao, C. (2021). Perceived beliefs, uncertainty, and behavioral responses during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: findings from a convenience sample. American Journal of Health Promotion, 35(7), 977-983. [IF(2021)=2.956, SSCI三区]
15.Wu, D., Yang, T., Hall, D. L., Jiao, G., Huang, L., & Jiao, C. (2021). COVID-19 uncertainty and sleep: the roles of perceived stress and intolerance of uncertainty during the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 1-11. [IF(2021)=4.144, SCI二区]
16.Wu, D., Yang, T., Rockett, I. R., Yu, L., Peng, S., & Jiang, S. (2021). Uncertainty stress, social capital, and suicidal ideation among Chinese medical students: Findings from a 22-university survey. Journal of Health Psychology, 26(2), 214-225. [IF(2021)=3.789, SSCI二区]
17.Wu, D., Yang, T., Yang, XY., Hoe, C., Peng S., & Yu, L. (2020). Behavioural and Psychosocial Correlates of Road Traffic Injuries: Evidence from a Nationwide Study on Chinese Undergraduates. Traffic Injury Prevention, 6, 375-381 [IF(2020)=1.491, SSCI/SCI四区]
18.Wu, D., Yu, L., Yang, T., Cottrell, R., Peng, S., Guo, W., & Jiang, S. (2020). The Impacts of Uncertainty Stress on Mental Disorders of Chinese College Students: Evidence From a Nationwide Study. Frontiers in Psychology,11: 243, 1-9 [IF(2020)=2.988, SSCI二区]
19.Wu, D., Yang, T., Cottrell, R. R., Zhou, H., & Feng, X. (2019). Prevalence and behavioural associations of unintentional injuries among Chinese college students: a 50-University population-based study. Injury Prevention, 25(1),52-59. [IF(2019)=2.987, SSCI/SCI二区]
20.Wu, D., Yang, T., Stillman, F. A., Guo, W., Zhou, H., & Feng, X. (2018). Assessment of tobacco control advocacy behavioural capacity among public health faculty and students: a cluster intervention study. Public Health,165, 95-105. [IF(2018)=1.696, SSCI/SCI二区]
21.Wu, D., Rockett, I. R., Yang, T., Feng, X., Jiang, S., & Yu,L. (2016). Deliberate self-harm among Chinese medical students: A population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 202, 137-144. [IF(2016)=3.432, SSCI/SCI一区]
22.Wu, D., Yang, T., Cottrell, R.R., Zhou, H., Yang, X., & Zhang, Y. (2015). The effects of tobacco-related health-warning images on intention to quit smoking among urban Chinese smokers. Health Education Journal, 74(3), 287-298 [IF(2015)=0.683, SSCI三区]
23.Yang, T., Peng, S.,Wu, D., & Rockett, I. R. (2022). Association of smoking with poor health-related quality of life among health-profession students in China: A 31-university multilevel, multivariable analysis. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20(November), 1-12. [IF(2022)=3.7, SSCI/SCI二区]
24.Jiang, S., Zhang, W., Yang, T.,Wu, D., Yu, L., & Cottrell, R. R. (2022). Regional Internet Access and Mental Stress Among University Students: A Representative Nationwide Study of China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. [IF(2022)=5.2, SSCI/SCI一区]
25.Yang, Q., Wu, Z., Yang, X., Jiang, S.,Wu, D., & Oliffe, J. L. (2021). Associations Between Uncertainty Stress, Life Stress and Internet Addiction Among Medical Students. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. [IF(2021)=6.461, SSCI/SCI一区]
26.Qiu, Y., Wei, K., Zhu, L.,Wu, D., & Jiao, C. (2021). The Association of Meteorological Factors with Cognitive Function in Older Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5981. [IF(2021)=4.614, SSCI/SCI二区]
27.Yu, L., Cohen, J. E., Hoe, C., Yang, T., &Wu, D. (2020). Male smoking reduction behaviour in response to China’s 2015 cigarette tax increase. Tobacco Control, 29(4), 405-411. [IF(2020)=7.552, SSCI/SCI一区,顶级]
28.Peng, S., Yu, L.W., Yang, T.,Wu, D., Bottorff, J.,Barnett, R., Jiang, S.H. (2019). Susceptibility to smoking students A representative nationwide study in China. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17(April): 36 [IF(2019)=1.434, SSCI/SCI三区]
29.Yang, T., Peng, S., Barnett, R.,Wu, D., Feng, X., & Oliffe, J. L. (2018). Association between bedtime and self-reported illness among college students: a representative nationwide study of China. Public Health, 159, 67-69. 20.[IF(2018)=1.696, SSCI/SCI二区]
30.Yang, T., Jiang, S., Barnett, R., Oliffe, J.,Wu, D., Yang, X., & Cottrell, R. (2016). Who smokes in smoke-free public places in China? Findings from a 21-city survey. Health Education Research, 31(1), 36-47 [IF(2016)=1.816, SSCI一区]
31.Yang, T., Yang, X. Y., Cottrell, R. R.,Wu, D., Jiang, S., & Anderson, J. G. (2016). Violent injuries and regional correlates among women in China: results from 21 cities study in China. European Journal of Public Health, 26 (3), 513-517 [IF(2016)=2.431, SSCI/SCI一区]
32.Yang, T., Yu, L., Bottorff, J. L.,Wu, D., Jiang, S., Peng, S., & Young, K. J. (2015). Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) in Tobacco Control in China. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(5), 732-741. [IF(2015)=1.270, SSCI三区](该研究成果被联合国、世界卫生组织官方网站报道)
33.Rockett, I., Hobbs, G.,Wu, D., Jia, H., Nolte, H., Smith, G., Putnam, S., & Caine, E. (2015). Variable Classification of Drug-Intoxication Suicides across US States: A Partial Artifact of Forensics? PLoS One, 10(8), e0135296 [IF(2015)=3.057, SCI一区]
34.Yang, T., Cao, C., Cottrell, R.,Wu, D., Yu, L., Lin, H., ... & Young, K. (2015). Second hand smoke exposure in public venues and mental disorder: a representative nationwide study of China. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 13(1), 1-8. [IF(2015)=1.938, SSCI/SCI二区]
35.Yang, T., Barnett, R., Rockett, I., Yang, X.,Wu, D., Zheng, W., & Li, L. (2015). The impact of regional economic reliance on the tobacco industry on current smoking in China. Health & Place, 33, 159-171 [IF(2015)=2.441, SSCI/SCI一区]
36.Yang, T., Mao, A., Feng, X., Jiang,S.,Wu, D., Bottorff, J., Sarbit, G., & Wang, X. (2014). Smoking Cessation in an Urban Population in China. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38(6), 933-941. [IF(2014)=1.202, SSCI三区]
37.Yang, T., Abdullah, A. S., Li, L., Rockett, I. R., Lin, Y., Ying, J., Guo, W.,Wu, D., & Li, M. (2013). Public place smoke-free regulations, secondhand smoke exposure and related beliefs, awareness, attitudes, and practices among Chinese urban residents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(6), 2370-2383. [IF(2013)=1.993, SSCI/SCI二区]
38.Yang, T.,Wu, D., Zhang, W., Cottrell, R.R., & Rockett, I. (2012). Comparative Stress Levels among Residents in Three Chinese Provincial Capitals, 2001 and 2008. PLoS One, 7(11), e48971. [IF (2012) =3.730, SCI一区]
39.孙磊,吴丹*.中年群体社会资本与自我关怀关系的研究[J].心理学进展, 2023, 13(11): 5313-5321. [通讯作者]
40.钟慧玲,吴丹*,张琳,张韵.大学生微信使用强度与孤独感的关系研究[J].教育教学论坛, 2020, (16):129-130. [通讯作者]
41.黄海青,吴丹*.本科毕业生未来时间洞察力与择业焦虑的关联性研究[J].教育现代化, 2019, 6(65):219-220,240. [通讯作者]
吴丹.(2021).第十九章 行为保健. 王明旭,李兴明主编. 行为医学. 北京:北京大学医学出版社